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42 Different Things to Write in a Notebook | Bullet Journalling Ideas

Any stationery lover will know that notebooks are incredibly useful and extraordinary. They hold our important to-do lists, doodles, big ideas and thoughts. The inner workings of our mind put onto paper for safe-keeping.

Yes, there's probably 'an app for that'. But science has proven that when we write things down by hand, we commit to them better. We remember them better. Something to do with the powerful combination of visual perception and motor function in our brains*.

*See, if we'd written that down by hand, we'd remember 'the science' better. Possibly.

Perhaps you've just got a fresh new notebook. Open to a wealth of possibilities. Or, you may have just one blank page jumping out at you in your bullet journal. Either way, put pen-to-paper with these starting points...

1. Personal diary

2. To-do list

3. Meal planner and grocery lists

4. TV shows to binge-watch next

5. Garden planner - keep track of your fruit and vegetables

6. Life goals - for the next week or the next 10 years

7. Sleep tracker