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Chihuahua: Know Your Dog Breeds - Dog Lover Facts and Pet Names

What should you know before rescuing or buying a Chihuahua? These tiny dogs with big personalities make wonderful companions and apartment pets. Here are our favourite facts about Chihuahuas.

A Short History of Chihuahuas

Recognised by their apple-shaped head and large eyes, the Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world. Whilst their origin is still debated today, the most widely accepted theory is that they emerged from the state of Chihuahua in Mexico, South America.

Descended from an ancient, mute dog from the Toltec Empire - the Techichi dog. Dogs that resemble Chihuahuas can be seen in the paintings of many lost civilisations. They were formally recognised as a breed in 1904.

Read on below for details about their size, life span and exercise requirements...

A cute photo of a tiny Chihuahua dog curled up on a duvet bedspread.