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An A.I. paint colour experiment with hilarious results | Coulson Macleod

Here at CM HQ we have mountains of colour swatches for inspiration. Every now & then, one will catch your eye with a name that you cannot believe was ever approved!

We've come across 'Dead Salmon' (how lovely!) and 'Potentially Purple'.

The latter being quite unhelpful for design purposes - is it purple or not?! All a matter of perspective we suppose. Not that you need to be reminded of the whole blue and black/white and gold dress debacle.

But, here's the NEXT LEVEL... an experiment was recently conducted wherein an A.I. neural network was asked to name a series of paint colours. Well, the results are hilarious and, in most cases, downright bizarre; 'Stanky Bean', 'Mown Poupe' and 'Turdly' being our top picks. Take a look at the rest below:

A few circuits may have been fried at the point of 'Wltlttf Bzt' and 'Iroeee CerMowt'.

It's probably safe to say that we are a little way off the point of singularity so we can all breathe a sigh of relief - the robots are not taking over (just yet!). Or maybe they're onto something? Who wouldn't want 'Farty Red' painted on their living room walls?

Perhaps we could use an A.I. tool to name our next card range. What do you think?

Hmm.. yes, perhaps not.

You can view the full results of the experiment here:

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