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CM Does Something Different | Abstract Photography Challenge

Our 'Something Different' challenges continue... Inspired by our best-selling 'Wise Words' designs we have a bit of fun & try something new. So far, we've had a rather eclectic mix of art, baking & video games (not all at once).

The next chosen topic was 'photography'. We rather fancied ourselves as the next Ansel Adams or Annie Leibovitz.

It didn't matter whether it was an iPhone, DSLR, polaroid or even a trusty disposable film camera. The only stipulation was that it had to be 'abstract'. Defined in the dictionary as a painting, sculpture or, in this case, photograph that tries to represent the qualities of objects or people but does not show their outer appearance.

We racked our brains & tried to come up with our best attempt at an abstract photograph. Considering 'abstract' can be absolutely anything, it wasn't as easy as we thought. Read on to see our creations & try to guess what each one is.

"Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see & everything to do with the way you see them."


Here's a rather interesting one. It took us all quite some time to actually figure it out & for that reason we'll say that Hannah nailed this particular challenge.

Any ideas?

A few of us said it must be a close-up of painted floorboards. It is, in fact, a stack of books.



From the sounds of it, Jake's attempt was perfectly effortless but extremely effective. It turned out that a few of us initially considered the 'perspective through a beer bottle' trick. We're not entirely sure what that says about the CM Team...