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CM Does Something Different | Explore Chocolate Tasting Challenge

Well, this might have been our favourite 'Something Different' challenge yet! Inspired by our best-selling 'Wise Words' designs the aim is to try something new. Our next topic was 'chocolate' - which we had no grumbles about whatsoever.

Now, there's nothing 'new' about chocolate to us, per se. We have all been known to enjoy a Toblerone or two (the mini versions, we must add). However, we recently (& rather conveniently) discovered an artisan chocolatier local to us & were very impressed with their product offering. So, we got in touch...

Explore Chocolate are based in Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire. Started in 2017 by a lovely chap named Matt. Creators of the finest quality, artisan chocolates made with locally-sourced produce & sustainable, single-region cacao.

Matt has worked as a chef since 2004. For a time, he worked at a 5* luxury hotel in Puglia, Italy. A beautiful little part of the world, which, coincidentally, Mark & Hannah visited on their travels in 2018.

Matt was kind enough to present us with a selection of exquisitely decorated chocolates. 6 of each flavour for every member of the team to try; strawberry & watermelon, butter caramel, rice pudding & banoffee.

What we learned is that some of us are absolutely terrible at picking out flavour notes. However, each 'bon bon' was definitely a very tasty treat & they were polished off in no time at all.

You can watch our chocolate tasting challenge in all of it's glory below. May we also apologise for the occasional thunderous boom of tearing parcel tape. It's non-stop here in the studio. We don't just spend all of our time eating chocolate*. Promise!

*biscuits & tea, maybe.

Whilst all of the chocolates were delicious, we each chose our ultimate favourite.

MARK - Banoffee

HANNAH - Butter Caramel

SHELL - Strawberry & Watermelon

JAKE - Loved all of them, couldn't possibly choose (a real foodie)

NATALIE - Rice Pudding

DANIELLE - Strawberry & Watermelon